Monday, March 30, 2009

Task 15: about me.

My real name is María Victoria Cerro Martín, but I prefer Vicky or Doll. I'm 16, but next month I'm 17. I've lived in Alpedrete since I was born. At first, I didn't like this village, but now I think it isn't so bad as I thought. I don't take care about it now because when I'll finish studying I'm going to move to another country, it's the better thing I can do.

My friends call me Doll because a long time ago, a friend said when I was dancing "you dance like a doll", we was playing a game of Play Station and we must follow the dancebut I just was moving my legs and I don't know, then they call me Doll and I like it.

Last year, I had a lot of important moments with people from Madrid and my favourite band, Tokio Hotel. They are the reason because I slept in the street for three days, however, they didn't come because the singer, Bill, was ill. But I met a lot of new people and the experience was wonderful, I can't explain it, like this moment I had a lot.

Now, I listen metal music. I love it. When I feel upset I hear it and I feel more relax.

It's everything I can say about my life. :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Task 14

-Hello Boni!
-Hi Vick.
-How are you?
-I'm fine thanks. Have you seen the last film of Angelina Jolie?
-Yes, I went to the cinema of Montera last week with two friends. And you?
-No, I haven't seen it but yesterday I saw Tomb Raider, I love this film is so exciting.
-Oh, I prefer Tomb Raider 2. And you?
-No, I prefer the first film, I think it's more exciting than the second.
-What kind of films do you like?
-I like watching terror films, like Saw. Have you seen it?
-Yes! In my opinion is the best film. In fact, my mother thinks that it's too bloody for me.
-Why does she think it?
-Because she thinks I can kill someone!
-No, it's joke.
-Oh, haha.
-What do you say me about you? Do you like terror films?
-No, I think I prefer romantic films.
-Which is your favourite film?
-Noa's diary. Have you seen it?
-No I haven't.
-You've got to see it! You're going to cry.
-Of course, it's too beautiful.
-Haha. Well, we're arriving.
-Ok, see you soon!
-Bye dear!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Task 13: Twenty questions in the past.

1. When was you born?
2. Have you ever lived in a foregin country?
3. Have you ever gone to a heavy metal concert?
4. Have you ever smoke?
5. When did you start to teach English?
6. When was the last time you go out clubbing?
7. And when was the last time you go shopping?
8. Have you ever been in Australia?
9. Have you ever fought with someone?
10. In your adolescence, was you hippie?

These questions are for you, teacher! Haha. :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Task 12: Bloody Sunday.

1. Where was the accident? It was in Derry, Northern Ireland.
2. When was it? It was on 30 January 1972.
3. How many investigations have been held? By who? Two investigations have been held by the British Government.
4. How many people died? Thirteen people, seven of whom were teenagers, died immediately, while the death of another person 4½ months later has been attributed to the injuries he received on the day.
5. How is known the era of factional violence? Factional violence had become commonplace in Northern Ireland in an era that would be known as The Troubles.
6. When was Seamus Cusack and Desmond Beattie shot dead by soldiers?
On 8 July 1971 in Derry's Bogside two rioters, Seamus Cusack and Desmond Beattie, were shot dead by soldiers in disputed circumstances.
7. How died John Duddy? John Duddy was shot in the chest in the car park of Rossville flats.
8. Who has commemorated the incident? The incident has been commemorated by U2.
9. Where has they commemorated it? In their 1983 protest song "Sunday Bloody Sunday".
10. Who more? John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Christy Moore, Cruachan, etc.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Religion is a beautiful lie.

I agree that because I think that religion is something that one person invented in the past for control people, it's like a sect where someone say to you what you have to do, how you have to think and more.

In fact, I know that religion is a well help when you're in a bad moment, for example when someone who you loved has died.

In the past, I thought in religion but when my grandfather died I left to think in every thing that I can't see. It's a way to protect me of the pain.

I don't know, it's a strange topic that I don't like it because in English I can't say everything I'd say in Spanish, sorry.

CU! ^^

Monday, January 12, 2009

Questions from the last text.

  1. Who was the first of the Beatles to to embrace mysticism and Indian music?
  2. How many strings has got the Indian sitar?
  3. Who died of cancer in 2.001?
  4. Which was George's favourite instrument during his childhood?
  5. Which is the idiomatic expression that we use when one has to choose between two alternatives?
  6. Where did Harrison's ashes scatter?
  7. Who organized the first rock music charity event in 1.971?
  8. How has been known George Harrison?
  9. Which is the best album of the Beatles made after the group split?
  10. Which is the song that Sinatra described as the greatest love song ever written?