Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Questions about the Sex Pistols.

Here are the questions about the Sex Pistols:

1)What songs have you heard?
In fact, I haven't heard them before I did homework about them. But I've known that they're an important band of punk music since I've start to listen to rock and other brands of music. I've heard "God Save The Queen".

2)Why were they important?
Because they were the first band that started to play punk music.

3)Do people still listen to the Sex Pistols?
Someone who like punk music maybe listen to them. I don't know exactly. I've got a friend who like punk music and listen to the Sex Pistols.

4)Have they any influence in the music that is made today?
Yes, they have. Because they were the first band who started with the punk music in London. After then other bands have made better the sound of the punk music.

5)Any anecdotes?
Yes, I've read that their tours and concert usually finished with disturbs. And that the song "God Save the Queen" is an offense at the crown and at the
British nationalism.

I hope you like. (;

1 comment:

Rosina Vega said...

Well done,Victoria!
You've done your homework and the answers are quite good
I'm happy